at regular meals. Never skip meals. This slows down the metabolic rate and contributes to bad blood sugar control, both which promotes weight gain. Regular meals also help to make sure your body does not miss out on key nutrients such e.g. large portion of your daily fibre comes breakfast.
Don’t over indulge, especially in bad fat i.e. Trans fat. Fat is much more energy dense than protein or carbohydrate (9cal/g versus 4 cal/g). Fat sources may be visible (oil, margarine) or invisible (fried foods, processed meats, baked goods, like pies and pastries, gravies, dressings, etc)
Choose healthier fats such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, pure nut butter, humus, avocado and Carotino oil. These fats are rich in essential fatty acids and/or mono unsaturated fats and are linked to important health benefits such as protection against heart disease, hyperactivity, depression, etc.
Substitute protein foods with beans, split peas, lentils and chickpeas 1-3 times a week. Legumes are a good source of protein, vitamin& minerals and are an excellent source of soluble fibre.
Increase your intake of fibre, a type of carbohydrate, by including whole grain breads, wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit, vegetables and legumes in the diet. Also, always give preference to unrefined foods e.g. brown rice instead of white rice. Fibre regulates digestion, helps control blood sugar levels and promotes the feeling of fullness.
Remember that alcohol does contain calories (7cal/g) and promotes bad blood sugar control and therefore should be used only in moderation.
Avoid too much sugar and sweetened foods – these provide “empty” calories, devoid in essential vitamins and minerals. Remember 5g of sugar equals 1 teaspoon of sugar. Limit daily intake to 6 tsp per day if any!
Drink 6-8 glasses of water or pure herbal tea per day. Start with a glass of water on waking to help encourage thirst throughout day. Drink majority of water before 4pm in order to avoid over drinking later in day. Large amount of fluid in the evening promotes urination during the night and sleep disturbance.
Grill, steam or bake food rather than frying. Judicious use of herbs and spices is encouraged, instead of using too much sugar or fat for flavor. Vegetables should be steamed or boiled, with no added sugar or margarine.
Use non-stick frying pans with little oil/fat or cook with a little wine, rather than large amounts oil/fat. Avoid margarine. Avoid deep frying and re-frying oil!
Read food labels and compare the sugar and nutritional content of different products.
Avoiding large meals at night. Eat smaller portions, wait 20min and then go for more vegetables or salad if still hungry.
EXERCISE REGULARLY!! New guidelines recommend 50min 5 times a week, including weekend!